As we emerge from quarantine and flock to beaches and parks, a friendly reminder to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 50 or higher before you head out the door.If, when you reach for …
Don’t Let Eczema Flare-ups Ruin Your Summer
This summer will likely look different than any we’ve experienced. But as the shelter-at-home restrictions begin to lift and places gradually reopen, there’s hope that a degree of normalcy will return …
Enflamed Skin? Rash? It May be Eczema. Or Dermatitis
These days, if we’re not coping with eczema ourselves, it sometimes feels like all of us at least know someone who is. It’s a common condition that affects an estimated 35 million Americans. Despite …
Enflamed Skin? Rash? It May be Eczema. Or DermatitisRead More
Is Your Body Wash Causing an Allergic Reaction?
Shopping for personal-care staples over the last several weeks has, like much else, become fairly complicated. You notice you’re running low on body wash, for example. But when you hop online to …
Your Dry Skin May Not Be What You Think It Is
The winter’s finally behind us, so your dry skin should be too, right? Not so fast. Because your skin may not be what you think it is. Dehydrated skin is often confused for dry skin, but the two are …
Stress May Be the Reason You’re Breaking Out Right Now
Even if you’re managing to stay at home, out of the fray, these are stressful times. Every day seems to be filled with new questions and greater uncertainty about the future. And as it mounts, it’s …
Stress May Be the Reason You’re Breaking Out Right NowRead More