A broad-spectrum sunscreen is the most essential item in your skincare routine. Applying (and reapplying) it every day is the surest way to protect yourself from UVA and UVB rays and the skin damage …
4 Sneaky Skin-Irritating Ingredients
By this point, you probably don’t need a dermatologist warning you about retinoids’ potential to irritate your skin. That concern’s garnered ample attention on beauty blogs. But there are other, very …
Your Skincare Products Might Not Be All They Claim to Be
Product labels, by their very nature, are designed to draw our attention and stir our curiosity.Skincare products are certainly no exception. They can, however, make it especially challenging to …
Your Skincare Products Might Not Be All They Claim to BeRead More
New Study Underlines the Potentially Devastating Effects of Sun Damage
It’s summer, which means you’re probably tired of hearing that you need to apply sunscreen before you head out the door, and then every couple of hours after that.I know it might sound like …
New Study Underlines the Potentially Devastating Effects of Sun DamageRead More
Finally, a More Effective Treatment for Melasma
Melasma can be frustratingly difficult to treat for all the reasons I highlighted in my last blog post. But there’s growing optimism that that might not always be the case.New research indicates …
Why is Melasma So Difficult to Treat?
As common as the patchy brown pigment of melasma is – a conservative estimate puts the number of women affected worldwide at at least a billion – it’s also one of the most difficult skin conditions to …